Use Case: PCBA
As we speak with our customers and partners, we gain a new appreciation for how they work through challenges on the factory floor. Printed Circuit Board Assemblies are complex items to manufacture, but are also critical pieces of almost every electronic device manufactured today. Estimates even place the global PCBA market at $79Bn by 2024.
Learn more about how PBCA development works:
We worked through one scenario with a contract manufacturer that produces a variety of PCBAs for a range of customers. With a customer like this, it is important to factor in considerations like how the company manufactures the boards, what their in-house design capabilities include, and what technology they use to place components. Neurala then steps in with VIA to perform necessary vision AI quality inspection.
Large contract manufacturers are facing unprecedented changes to their systems, leading to an increased focus on automation throughout their process in order to reduce the proximity of people working on the floor. We also looked at how AOI machines fit into that “new normal”, and what manufacturers can expect as they prepare for the future.