Neurala and Lindbergh Foundation Combine Drones and AI to Combat Poaching
Intelligent drones and AI can be used to help save the planet. Neurala announces today that it is working with the Lindbergh Foundation (@AirShepherd program) to stop poaching of elephants and rhinos in Africa. (Video at
Neurala CEO Max Versace to speak at Lindbergh Foundation Event for the 90th Anniversary of Charles Lindbergh’s Non-Stop Trans-Atlantic Flight
BOSTON, MA —May 17, 2017— Neurala, the creator of The Neurala Brain deep learning neural network AI software, is announcing that it will apply its expertise and AI software in the Lindbergh Foundation’s effort to combat poaching in Africa using intelligent drones. The announcement will be made at the Lindbergh Foundation’s May 20 event commemorating the 90th anniversary of Charles Lindbergh’s first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
Neurala’s technology can learn from any sensory stream to identify an object of interest. For the Lindbergh Foundation, Neurala will be assisting human analysts by sifting through terabytes of video, including infrared, in real time as the drone is flying, pinpointing animals, vehicles and poachers, both during the day and at night.
Neurala software will be used as a part of the foundation’s Air Shepherd Program. The program is dedicated to the elimination of illegal poaching of elephants and rhinos in southern Africa using cutting-edge software-based predictive analysis and drones to stop poachers before they can reach target animals. Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh shared a vision of a balance between technological advancement and environmental preservation that is followed by the foundation today.
“This is a terrific example of how AI technology can be a vital force for good,” said Neurala CEO Max Versace. “We’re thrilled to be working with the Lindbergh Foundation in this unique partnership, contributing our deep learning software to such a worthwhile cause and doing our part to preserve endangered species.” Versace will be speaking at the Lindbergh Foundation’s 90th anniversary event, being held at the Explorers Club in New York City, about how the organizations will work together.
About Neurala
Neurala, Inc. ( is a software company that developed The Neurala Brain—deep learning neural network software that makes smart products like robots, drones, toys, self-driving cars and smart cameras more autonomous, engaging and useful. Neurala provides off-the-shelf and customized solutions ranging from high-end applications to inexpensive everyday consumer products. With the Neurala Brains for Bots Software Development Kit (SDK) and an ordinary camera, products can learn people and objects, recognize them in a video stream, find them in the video and track them as they move. The Neurala Brain is based on technology originally developed for NASA and the U.S. Air Force. Current customers include Motorola Solutions, Parrot and Teal Drones. Follow Neurala on Twitter at @Neurala and on Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn.
for Neurala, Inc.
Alessandra Nagy, 714-310-4439