An Insider Look at Brain Builder

We are excited to give everyone a sneak peak at our latest product, Brain Builder. Brain Builder is a web based tool that allows companies to annotate and prepare their data, which we view as the gateway to creating any production level AI solution. When we think about the vision for Brain Builder, we think about three main pillars. The first pillar is aimed at helping customers with their data preparation and AI data strategy. The second pillar revolves around creating an neural network inside the platform. And the third pillar focuses on being able to deploy that neural network or brain on an edge device. We recently launched Brain Builder into Beta and the platform is currently available to tackle the first of those three pillars.

As we talk through Brain Builder with our Beta testers, we have learned that many data scientists working on AI have a high competency with data concepts, but haven’t encountered enterprise level tools to manage data, annotate images and videos, and train their AI.

Questions about best practices on data annotation? Curious about our latest Brain Builder beta feature releases? Want an exclusive look at our newest product offering in beta? We held a webinar to break down:

  • Full demo of Brain Builder
  • Live look at the tool
  • Sneak peek of new features
  • Q&A

Check out the webinar to discover how to leverage Brain Builder to create the foundation of your AI.